Coffee Tired? 5 Reasons Why You May Be Feeling Sleepy When You Drink Coffee

Yanuar Ramadhan
4 min readJul 15, 2022


Photo by Chroki Chi on Unsplash

You’re not alone when you’re tired when you drink coffee. Many people experience a caffeine crash after drinking coffee, which can last several hours. Caffeine is a stimulant that causes a reaction in the body. It stimulates your nervous system and increases your blood pressure so that your heart is beating faster and more efficiently. But because of this stress on the heart, most healthy adults shouldn’t drink more than 400 mg of caffeine daily, which is about two cups of coffee. If you’re one of those people who gets sleepy when you drink coffee, keep reading to learn why this happens and what you can do about it:

Caffeine Can Be Tiredness Trigger

Caffeine is a stimulant, which means that it increases your heart rate, your blood pressure, and your metabolism. This is why you may feel more awake and energized after drinking coffee. It’s similar to when you’re tired, but you have a cup of coffee and feel more awake. If you’re drinking coffee because you’re tired, your body might be craving rest and relaxation. The caffeine in coffee might help you feel more awake for a while, but it will give you a feeling of being even more tired. The best thing to do when you’re tired is to get enough sleep. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Avoid drinking coffee if you’re tired because it will only make you feel even more tired.

Coffee May Be Depleted Your Brain’s Energy Supply

One reason you may feel sleepy when you drink coffee is that your brain’s energy supply — also known as your “glycogen stores” — may be depleted. Coffee is a stimulant, so it increases your heart rate and metabolism. But, it also causes your body to burn carbohydrates as energy. And your brain uses carbohydrates to make and store glucose, which it uses for energy. When your glycogen stores are depleted, you may experience tiredness and sleepiness, even if you’ve just had a cup of coffee.

You May Have an Iron Deficiency

Another reason you may feel sleepy when you drink coffee is that you may have an iron deficiency. When you consume coffee, it increases the amount of iron excreted in your urine. And iron is a crucial element needed by your body to make red blood cells and metabolize carbohydrates. So, if you’re not getting enough iron, your body might need more. If you’re tired when you drink coffee, you may want to test your iron levels to see if this could be the cause.

Your Diet May Be to Blame

Your diet can affect how you feel after drinking coffee. Foods high in carbohydrates, like beans, potatoes, and rice, are “sugars,” They can be metabolized by your body the same way caffeine is. So, if you’ve had a cup of coffee and have been eating carbs, it may feel like you’ve had two cups. Coffee is a diuretic, and it can cause you to urinate more often. If you’re drinking coffee and a lot of water, your body must work harder. This can make you feel more tired than usual. If you feel sleepy when you drink coffee, your diet may contribute to the problem.

Coffee Might Not Be Fresh

If you have a habit of drinking coffee, chances are you have a preferred brand that you like to buy. Coffee is a perishable product that doesn’t stay fresh very long. If you’re drinking coffee daily, it’s possible that it’s not fresh, and this could be causing you to feel sleepy. Coffee beans start to lose their freshness two weeks after they’ve been roasted. Ideally, you want to buy fresh coffee beans and grind them as soon as you use them. If you buy coffee in bags, check the “best by” date on the bag to ensure it’s fresh.

Finally, Don’t Forget to Exercise!

Finally, if you’re tired when you drink coffee, the best thing to do is cut down on the coffee. This will help you avoid the caffeine crash and will allow you to avoid feeling fatigued. If you’re tired and drink coffee but have trouble falling asleep, try exercising a few hours before bedtime. Physical activity releases a chemical called serotonin, which can help you relax. So, if you’re tired when you drink coffee, ensure you’re not drinking too much and get enough sleep. And if you’re still feeling tired, try cutting down on the coffee and exercising.



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